Scott's Backgammon Board

On the Vectric Forum, we put out a competition to everyone to create a project designed to help our heroic key workers or to bring a smile to someone's day. From many entries, Scott’s project was picked out and won the Forum vote to win Competition Operation Smile. We asked Scott to share his project with everyone and how he made the Backgammon Game.

In the PDF are a couple of pictures of the jig for the die. After cutting the pocket I first ran the round profile six times for each die with 90 degree V-bit and then the different drill toolpaths for each side. I filled all of the drilled holes with Brass powder and CA glue. The cubes for the dice were cut on the table saw with a sled, but could be cut on the CNC with a profile cut in 3/4” material. Happy Making!

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Suitable for version 10 or greater

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