Tim Sway – Switchable Guitar

I am an artist, maker and “upcyclist” which means I work pretty much exclusively with trash, used, reclaimed, salvaged and upcycled materials. I recently put aside a full-time career as a musician to pursue making things. I make a lot of instruments from reclaimed things and a lot of things from reclaimed instruments.

When Vectric asked me to make a bespoke project out of recycled material, I decided to make an interchangeable guitar but couldn’t decide on a body design to proceed with, after a couple of hours of thinking I decided I didn’t need to stick with just one body design.

The bespoke guitar I created can be just about any guitar you want it to be four different options are already designed and included as free downloads. I encourage you to create and share your own designs.

This entire project was made from used, discarded and scrap materials. You don’t have to, but I strongly encourage you to try and do this as often as possible – if not for the landfill, for your wallet!

There are multiple steps to making this, but now that the files are created, none are exceedingly difficult or complicated. In the above video I explain all the steps to make the main guitar first, then go back and explain how to make the wings, but you will probably want to cut all your parts and sand, paint, etc., them together.

Project compatibility

Aspire Icon

Suitable for version 9 or greater

Project files

Login to V&Co to download the files
